Chicago Career Day 2013 for
Architecture, Interior Design, Construction
and Landscape Architecture to be held at Harold
Washington College
CHICAGO – The Consortium for Design and Construction Careers is pleased
to announce the Chicago Architecture + Design College Day. Held on
Saturday, October 19, 2013 from 11:00 am to 2:00pm at Harold Washington College
(30 E. Lake St.) Chicago Architecture + Design College Day is a free
event open to high school and college students, parents, teachers, and
counselors interested in learning more about opportunities in architecture,
interior design, construction management, and landscape architecture.
From 11:00 am - 2:00 pm, the College Fair will host almost 50 colleges
and universities with degree programs in architecture, interior design,
construction management, and/or landscape architecture. Representatives will be
available to provide information, distribute materials, and answer questions on
their respective degree programs. For further details including a complete list
of colleges in attendance on the Chicago Career Day 2013 or to register for the
event, check out the following website