I have recently been considering going back to school for architecture but do not have any background in the field, so I was looking for some information on what the path would entail. I have a B.A. in psychology from a top US university and have been working in biomedical research for the past two years. Where would I start in terms of schooling to become an architect?
Thank you for your help.
Given you have a degree albeit in another discipline, you may pursue the Master of Architecture (3-4 years). If you wish to research potential programs, visit - http://www.naab.org and/or http://archschools.org. Both will provide you with a list of institutions that offer the Master of Architecture.
As well, a group of schools in Illinois host the Chicago Architecture + Design College Day - Saturday, October 18, 2014 -http://www.chicagocareerday.org --
A good place to start is obtaining a copy of Becoming an Architect, 3rd ed. published by Wiley.
Becoming an Architect: A Guide to Careers in Design - 3rd Edition
As you research programs for F15, note that some may require you to take Calculus and/or Physics. As well, you will need to submit a portfolio with your application. Start drawing or consider taking a drawing course.
If possible, shadow an architect; contact the local chapter of AIA American Institute of Architects.
Keep in touch in your path.
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