Sunday, February 10, 2013

From Funeral Director to Architect

Hi, I'm 33 years old and I'm only 10 hours away of getting my Bachelor's in Business Management. I have an Associates in Mortuary Science and am a Licensed Funeral Director & Mortician with 16 years of experience and have been licensed 11 years now. I want to pursue my one of my dreams of becoming an architect. I'm single and no kids. My question is what route for schooling and career path should I take in pursuing for this. Also, I'm not the best in freehand drawing of buildings and such, would that be a hinderance to me in this profession? I am however pretty decent at mechanical drawing.

As you are only 10 hours from your undergraduate degree, I would highly advise that you simply complete it allowing you to apply and enter a Master of Architecture (3-4 years).  Of course, you could apply as a transfer to an undergraduate degree in architecture but I am afraid this route would take longer.  For example, at the institution I work, it would take you three years to complete the BS Architectural Studies degree and an additional two to complete the MArch degree.

Plus, with your degree in business management, you may be more valuable upon graduation with your MArch.

Your best sources of information on architecture programs is NAAB ( or Both provide a list of accredited programs.  With some exception, you have probably missed out on applying for this fall.

As such, you may wish to consider attending a summer program in architecture. Because you will need to submit a portfolio when applying to a graduate program, another suggestion would be to take a art/life drawing course to develop your freehand skills.  While computers are prevalent in the profession, you still need freehand skills.  -- a computer screen is simply a sophisticated blank piece of paper.

Also, consider shadowing an architect you may know through where you live.


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