Saturday, October 22, 2011

Internship - Discovering Architecture

I'm writing to you after reading the information given on your website relating to Architecture. I am currently a first-generation college student attending a community college in NYC. I'm still in the process of discovering what I want to pursue in my career life, though I am clear that I want to be in an industry where I can use my creativity, an industry where my imagination will be an asset in my career.
I want to experience the architecture world! And as an intern I will know if this would be the right path for me. Do I qualify to be an intern if I have no type of experience with architecture and no portfolio? How can I go about finding an internship? What other preparation would you recommend for me? 
I truly appreciate any time you have to spare to advise me.
Congrats on discovering and following your passion -- using your imagination.

Architecture may be a good fit for you given your passion to use imagination.  However, given the economy and your limited skill set, it may be difficult in securing an architectural internship.  It does not mean that you should not attempt to locate one.

Think of an internship as a career related position in an architecture firm.  You can apply with your credentials but know that it be difficult as many firms are not hiring.  In your case as you are trying to determine if architecture is the right path for you, contact a firm to possibly simply do a shadowing experience where for a single day you learn about what an architect does. 

Perhaps, through your community college, you can contact an architect.  Of course, it would help to have a portfolio to demonstrate your skills and work.  Start by contacting the AIA NYC to view firms in the city.

If possible, visit the schools in NYC to talk with current architecture students; consider attending events through the AIA NYC - -

Stay active and continue to ask lots of questions.
Dr. Architecture

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