Saturday, February 14, 2009

I am interested in going into architecture, but I do not know where to even look to pick a good program. I have been to the NAAB site a long time ago last year, and contacted a few people and they told me of a few colleges I should look into. Unfortunately I felt a bias in their response. I have looked at an article and a good architectural design school in the United states was Cincinnati, Ohio. Any suggestions on where to look for the right college for me.

If your desire is to be an architect, you will want to pursue the professional degree in architecture accredited by NAAB. To determine which program is best for you, you must determine which criteria you will use to make your decision. For me, the criteria fall into three categories -- You, Institution, and Program. Refer to following for some ideas.

In my opinion, you should place most of your criteria into the actual program as you spend most of your time in the architecture program, but geographic location may also be important. You decide.

Aside from the NAAB website, consider visiting -- -- for a list of programs.

Dr. Architecture

1 comment:

market value from ASP & Rekan said...

I like :) layout, & image in yours :). Have a nice day